Roses Bloom - Recycled Lovely Yarn for Lovely Sweaters

She loves recycling sweaters. Rose Bloom is a very addicted knitter, but when she got laid off from her geologist job, she decided to start making yarn out of old thrift store sweaters. She had been wanting to do this for so long, but never had the room, time, or motivation to do it. Now she has more time and a lot more umphf!

She doesn't know about how much room she has though. Her husband and Rose live in a one bedroom apartment on the north side of the building. The live with a cat who is constantly fighting her for her yarn. They don't smoke.

Maybe you are wondering why Rose would go through all of the trouble to rip out, wash, skein, weigh, and measure thrift store sweater yarn. There are multiple reasons. First, she is reusing/recycling something that had no purpose other than to be a manufactured sweater that someone did not want anymore. Thereby she is reducing her own carbon footprint by reusing already made yarns. Plus, since a thrift store sweater is quite cheap and produces a lot of yarn, she can offer you the yarn for a good deal.

There are two reasons to buy reused yarn:
1. Nice to the environment
2. Nice to your wallet

Rose doesn't cut any corners. She reuses all of the little ends from the sweaters to tie her skeins together. The paper label is made from reused paper. And she uses environmentally safe soaps to wash her yarn!

She has a RosesBloom-Recycled-Yarns Facebook page, she keeps the "Nosie Rosie Knits" blog and if you are interested in knit items, check out her Nosie Rosie Etsy shop.

Location: Denver, Colorado, USA

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