Boysenberry Lane - Fun, Fancy, Monster Fingerless Gloves and iPod Cases

She loves to sew! Her mom bought her her first Kenmore sewing machine when she was eleven. She makes all kinds of craft and clothing items for her two girls, for their friends as gifts and has also been sewing pet collars for around five years.
Let her loose in a fabric store and watch out! She also loves to crochet and has crocheted tons of hats to be sent overseas with humanitarian aid shipments.

She lives with her husband, three children and two cats on lovely Vancouver Island just a few blocks from the ocean - just loves the smell of the sea and that cool ocean breeze.

She specializes in gadget cases and fingerless gloves. She is always striving to create new and interesting gloves that are also the utmost in comfort. My gloves can be worn pretty much anywhere and anytime so have a look around! She hopes you find something you like today :)

Her name on Twitter is BoysenberryLane and she has another shop on Etsy, Paws 'n Tails Pet Collars. I wrote about it in the post "Paw's n Tails Cat Collars - Fashionable Accessories for the Kitty in Your Life." If you have a cat or know someone who does, you should definitely check it out.

Location: Comox, British Columbia, Canada

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