Handcrafted Sea Glass Jewelry - Mermaid's Tears

The maker of Mermaid's Tears describes herself as a Sea Glass Fanatic, jewelery designer, a happy Mom of one great son, 2 dogs and a silly cat. And Betty is married to a great guy!

Sea glass or Mermaid's Tears as it is also known is a wonderful natural creation filled with magic, legends and an air of mystery. Perhaps that piece of cornflower you twirl between your fingers originated as a Victorian poison bottle tossed into the sea by some cloaked woman hiding in the shadows trying to elimininate all traces of her dastardly crime. That rare regal red that you have plucked from the sand could have been a lantern from a notorious pirate vessel lost to the sea now lurking in the mists near some forgotten shoreline. The legend of Mermaid's Tears says that the tears (or sea glass) were created by mermaids who sobbed for the tears of sailor's lost at sea. As their tears hit the water, they turned to these magical pieces of frosted glass. Lovingly nurtured by the ocean; tossed and churned; pounded by surf and rumbled across pebbles to create an amazing piece of beautiful history.

Know that her jewelry is made, keeping all these things in mind and created with love, magic and wonder of nature's grandious powers. Each piece is as original and unique as the one who buys it. The lovely story of Mermaid's Tears is included with every purchase.

Mermaid's Tears is a proud member of the EtsyNJ team. She writes a wonderful blog called "Sea Glass Psycho" where you can see cool Johnny Depp pictures and the pendant she made for him!!! You can become a fan of Betty on Facebook and follow MermaidsTears on Twitter.

Location: New Jersey, USA

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