Knit one, purl two, knit one, purl two... The Crafty Hedgehog
Emily is a part time college student (history) and full time crafter who was recently laid off from one of the best jobs ever (at a stained glass studio) -- it seems like art is always the first thing to go in a bad economy.
So she is trying to make a go of her own crafting business. She is obsessed with knitting, and she has recently begun to fall in love with lino cut printing, weaving and sewing. Emily loves crafting of all stripes, and she is most happy when her hands are busy. She puts a lot of energy and care into each and every object that she creates.
Personally I find her frog and rat disections most intreaguing.
All her patterns are copyrighted. They, and the creatures made from them are for personal use only.
You can follow the Crafty Hedgehog on Twitter (estonia76) and become a fan of Emily on Facebook. She maintains various blogs that she sporadically updates and which can be accessed from here:
Location: Burlington, VT, USA