Laura's Left Hook --- Tawashi, Alphabet & Sports Themes
Laura is a mother of two girls, one who is hard of hearing. She was a teacher for seven years before having children. Currently, she teaches an American Sign Language playgroup twice a month to help others in the community as well as keeping her family signing capabilities alive.
She gained much of her crafting interest from her mother and grandmother, although Laura would not say that either taught her the crafts she now does. She learned to crochet to remember her grandmother. She is a lefty crocheter that learned to crochet from a book many years after her grandmother tried to teach her. She discovered the joy of creating her own patterns over the last few years and is enjoying sharing them with others.
Paper crafting came from scrapbooking during her children's first years. and she would love to explore ideas that she gets from reading children's picture books.
Recently Laura was featured on the design blog/studio SWISSMISS run by Tina Roth Eisenberg, a Swiss designer gone NYC.
COMING SOON (made while nursing broken toes, just need photos to list) in her stores: Ravens Football Beverage Cozies, Pine Cone Christmas Ornament, Astros Baseball Beverage Cozy
NOTE: She is now offering Capital I and Capital E patterns free. Just contact her for these files or check her blog to download the pdf files.
She is also a member of the Etsy teams EtsyHookers and CafeMom.
Laura has a second store on Artfire and you can also follow her on Twitter.
Location: Manasses, Virgina, USA